22 March 2012

Engine Reassembly #5

One of my goals with this project is to rewire the entire bike.  Mostly as a
learning exercise and partly to satisfy my obsession with everything on
this bike looking as close to new a possible.  Here is a shot of the stator
with the original (and very discolored) wiring.

Here is a shot with the new (color correct) wiring.  I used bullet connectors
and heat shrink tubing to try and get the best possible connection.  After
removing the old wires there wasn't a lot of extra room to work with.

Stator installed.

Neutral switch installed with the new wire leading off of it.  I'm just using
zip ties to hold the wires together right now.  Once I figure out how long
they need to be I'll remove the zip ties and use heat shrink tubing to bunch
everything together.

Another shot showing the stator cover installed.

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