04 March 2012

Engine Reassembly #2

Honda Bond isn't the easiest thing to squeeze out of a tube.

It's starting to look more like an engine.

Right-side-up again.  I taped the cam chain to the engine studs for now to
keep them from scratching the paint while I'm reassembling it.

Reinstalling the gear shift spindal and the rest of the gear shift drum was
pretty straightforward with the help of some photos taken during the
disassembly process and some printouts of the part fiches from BikeBandit.com.

The oil filter gear, clutch basket and oil pump go in next.

Another view of the engine so far.

The clutch center and plates.

A new set of clutch springs from BikeBandit.com

Clutch assembly complete.

A few more OEM parts.

The oil filter, cap, and kick starter spring are the last bits to go on.

Gasket set from OldBikeBarn.com.

The gasket was a pretty good fit.  New stainless fasteners finish it off nicely.

The right side is complete.

On to the left side.  The starter sprocket and the rotor go on first.

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