22 February 2012

The Crankcase #1

I'm not sure what this piece is actually called but for the sake of this post I'm going to call it the oil separator plate.  It was originally mounted in the lower half of the crankcase with two screws in the center holes and basically riveted to the crankcase in the corners.  To remove it I had to grind down the "rivets" in the corners with a Dremel.  Easy enough to remove, but I was left with the task of remounting it for the rebuild.  I was tempted to just use the two screws in the center holes and some Loctite to make sure they didn't come loose but I was afraid that the engine vibration might make the loose corners vibrate.  The last thing I want to do after rebuilding the engine is to tear is back down to fix a rattle.  The best solution I could come up with was to drill and tap the corner mounts and use screws in all six holes.

Here is what the mounting points looked like after grinding down the corners
to remove the oil separator plate.

Another view of the mounting points in the lower crankcase.

Getting lined up to drill the first hole.

I didn't dare go down more then 5/8" because I didn't want to
risk punching through underneath.

One down, three to go.

Here is a shot of the plate mounted.

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