26 April 2011

The Battery Box

I knew right away that the battery tray I got from BCR was not what I had in mind. I may try and use it on a future project but for this bike it wasn't going to cut it.  I also discovered that it didn't have the necessary mounting brackets for the various parts that mount to the stock battery box.

I fabricated my batter box out of 14 gauge sheet metal and used 1" x 1/8" flat bar for the mounting points.  I thought I had taken some pictures of the parts while I was building it but it turns out I didn't.  I used some thinner (16 gauge) sheet metal to replicate the stock mounting brackets for the starter switch and rectifier.

The battery box with mounting brackets.
I was going to mount the regulator on the back of the battery box but there wasn't enough clearance for the taillight housing so I welded a piece of 1/4" flat bar to the tray and drilled and tapped holes in it so the regulator could be bolted down.

The battery box with the starter switch, rectifier, and my "battery."

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